Astra Learning Management System


The Astra Learning Management System is a web-based application that will enable companies to manage, track, and achieve their employee's competency development and training needs.

ALMS is a centralized, secure, and scalable platform to meet your specific eLearning needs such as, Onboarding, Compliance, HR Training, Certification, Employee Training and eCommerce.

Key Benefits

For Companies

  • Reduce training and development costs
  • Faster training and onboarding time for employees
  • Accommodate multiple learning audiences
  • Reusable, updatable, maintainable e-learning resource
  • Helps in meeting training requirements for regulatory compliance

For Employees

  • Improve performance
  • Faster and better knowledge retention
  • Stay updated on required training
  • Acquire skills and knowledge for career advancement

Key Features

Fully integrated Content Management

Easily develop e-Learning courses, exams, video lectures, and upload to the LMS.


Quickly test learners’ knowledge in real time via scores, time spent in interactive exams, surveys etc.


Automatic, real-time status updates indicating learner progress, course completed, certifications, achievements, and more.


Automatically award certificates for learners upon completion of a course or passing a test.

Report Generation

Generate progress reports, status, time spent, passing rates, performance etc. to analyze and visualise the effectiveness of your learning strategy.

Custom Branding

Custom styling will be applied to the app's user interface using your company's corporate color scheme and logo.

Responsive / Device Agnostic

Compatible with most operating systems on different types of devices including desktops, notebooks, tablet PCs and smartphones

Online Access

Work online through the browser, on your intranet or the internet and acccess anywhere, anytime.

ASTRA LMS comprises of the following main modules:

Person and Competency Management

  • Create/View/Update/Deactivate Users
  • Create/View/Update/Deactivate User Groups
  • Create/View/Update/Deactivate Employee Details
  • Define job profiles
  • Define competency/training requirement for each position
  • Assign roles to users to define access level in the system

Reports and Statistics

  • Course Status
  • Test Results (per employee, per training, per department, per position etc.)
  • Employee Profiles
  • Competencies

Content Management

  • Create/View/Update/Deactivate Course/Curriculum
  • Create/View/Update/Deactivate Training
  • Upload training materials for each training
  • Create/View/Update/Deactivate Tests/Exams
  • Associate Test Templates to Tests
  • Set evaluation criteria for each test/employee
  • Automatic grade computation
  • Set type of test (timed, no time limit)
  • Enroll employees to trainings
  • Set training details (schedule, venue, etc.)

The Astra LMS can be deployed via:

On-premise Server

On the cloud Hosting

Custom ALMS

We can also develop a fully customized LMS built to your own specs, design and functionality.